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Conférence de Ekhlas Abdel Latif et Rennan Lemos (23 juin 2024 – 18h)

Nouveau cycle de conférences en mode hybride proposé parla Section Française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan

Revisiting the tomb of Djehutyhotep at the Sudan National Museum: war, heritage and digital technologies 

by Ekhlas Abdel Latif and Rennan Lemos

Langue : anglais

The 18th Dynasty tomb of Djehutyhotep, also known as Paitsy, was originally located at Debeira East in northern Sudan. In 1963, prior to the flooding of Lower Nubia caused by the construction of the Aswan High Dam, German architect Friedrich Hinkel disassembled the rock-cut tomb and brought stone blocks bearing hieroglyphic inscriptions and wall paintings to Khartoum. In 1970, the tomb was reassembled in the courtyard of the Sudan National Museum. A new project, co-directed by us, aimed to revisit the tomb of Djehutyhotep, focusing on conservation, art history, and archaeological science.

However, the project’s original goals and first season were interrupted by war, which now poses major challenges to the tomb’s preservation amid already reported damage to monuments in the Sudan National Museum’s courtyard. Using data collected in April 2023, the project now aims to use 3D technologies to digitally preserve the tomb of Djehutyhotep. By allowing displaced groups from Sudan, the Sudanese diaspora worldwide, and other interested groups to access the tomb digitally, communities will potentially be able to reconnect with heritage now at risk. 

Ekhlas Abdel Latif

National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums 

Dr. Ekhlas Abdel Latif is the Director of the Museums Sector in the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums where she has worked since 1992. She has achieved her PhD in Archaeology from the Department of Archaeology, University of Khartoum in 2010. She also achieved a High Fellowship of Management in October 2011. In addition to her museum work, Dr. Ekhlas works on fieldwork projects. She has published a catalogue on Bronze Age artefacts in the Sudan National Museum in 2006 and has attended various conferences and workshops and has studied abroad in the Czech Republic, Egypt, Morocco, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Rennan Lemos

University of Cambridge

Dr. Rennan Lemos is originally from Brazil where he completed a BA in Ancient History (2013) and an MPhil in Archaeology (2015). He then moved to Cambridge to pursue a PhD in Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology as a Cambridge Trust Scholar at Emmanuel College (2021). Prior to returning to Cambridge as a Teaching Associate in Egyptian Archaeology in the Department of Archaeology and a College Research Associate at Emmanuel, Dr. Rennan spent two years in Germany working as an ERC postdoctoral fellow and teaching at LMU Munich. 

Lieu : IFAO, Égypte

Cette conférence est ouverte au public et à distance en direct sur la chaîne YouTube de l’Ifao.

Lecture is open to the public in person and for remote attendance live on  the YouTube channel of the Ifao.

Date : 23 juin 2024, à 18.00 (Caire)

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
sfdas (26 mai 2024). Conférence de Ekhlas Abdel Latif et Rennan Lemos (23 juin 2024 – 18h). SFDAS Khartoum. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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