Predynastic cemetery at El-Mahasna
Edward R. Ayrton, W. L. S. Loat, Pre-dynastic cemetery at el Mahasna. Memoir of the Egypt Exploration Fund 31, 1911.
Ayrton and Loat led work in this Predynastic cemetery where their team reportedly cleared around 300 of an estimated 600 graves on site. The highest grave number they published, however, is H143.
The rich array of Predynastic finds from this excavation are usually marked with the capital letter H followed by a number, then occassionally another captial letter after a dot (e.g. H143.B which would mean grave H 143 find B).

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sfdas (26 septembre 2022). Predynastic cemetery at El-Mahasna. SFDAS Khartoum. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse