The SFDAS is special partner of the National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums (NCAM) in Sudan.
France in Sudan: French Embassy in Khartoum
IFE: French Institute of Egypt
IFAO: French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo
SAHPP: Sudan Archaeological Heritage Protection Project
ALIPH: International Alliance for Heritage Protection in Conflict Zones
Nile’s Earth: Study and conservation of the earthen architecture of the ancient Nile Valley
ISNS: International Society for Nubian Studies
Research and conservation: Current research at the Musée du Louvre
Sorbonne University: UMR 8167 Orient and Mediterranean
Lille University: UMR 8164 HALMA History, Archaeology and Literature of the Ancient Worlds and the Institute of Papyrology and Egyptology of Lille
University of Geneva: ARCAN African Archaeology & Anthropology Laboratory
Collège de France : Egyptology Library
University of Shendi, Sudan
University of Khartoum, Sudan
Al Neelain University, Sudan
Africae: Specialised publishing house
Sources Journal: Sources: Materials & Terrains in African Studies
Soleb: Specialised publishing house
SFE: French Society of Egyptology
SAFA: Society of Africanist Archaeologists
SARS: Sudan Archaeological Research Society
El Nour: Claude Iverné