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The Team

Current members


Séverine Marchi is an archaeologist and a research engineer working at the CNRS. She has been a member of the Pharaonic Worlds team at the UMR 8167 “Orient et Méditerranée” since 2005. On secondment to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs since 2023, she heads the French Section of the Sudan Antiquities Directorate (MEAE / CNRS-UAR 3336 “Afrique au sud du Sahara”). She is also an external collaborator at the Laboratoire d’Archéologie Africaine & Anthropologie (ARCAN) at the University of Geneva.

Her main areas of activity and current projects focus on urban archaeology, domestic and military architecture and the study of craft production techniques (Archaeology of techniques in ancient Sudan). Séverine is one of the scientific leaders of the Nile’s Earth project – Study and conservation of the earthen architecture of the ancient Nile valley, funded by the ANR (National Agency for Research, ANR-21-CE27-0019-01). She is also involved in the work and publications of several archaeological missions in Egypt (Wadi al-JarfTaposiris-PlinthineTell el-Herr, the Treasury of Chabaka at Karnak), while continuing to publish the ancient excavations at the Gism el-Arba site (Sudan).

Publications :

Contact :


Faïza Drici has been an archaeologist and research associate at the SFDAS since September 2022. She assumed the interim direction of the institution from December 2022 to August 2023. She is currently working on a joint project with NCAM and UNESCO on cultural mediation towards the reopening of the National Sudan Museum in Khartoum.

She defended her PhD in Sudanese archaeology in Lille University, on the subject of “Weapons and Warriors of Kush”. After an Andrew W. Mellon post-doctoral research fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York (2018-2019), she worked at the Louvre Museum (2020-2022) as a joint curator for the “Pharaoh of the two lands: The African Story of the Kings of Napata” exhibition.

She took part in the excavation program at el-Hassa (2010-2018) and the writing of its archaeological guidebook, and in the excavations in Sai Island (2016) and Kerma-Doukki Gel (2022). She is a coordinator of the Répertoire d’Iconographie Méroïtique (RIM-Louvre) Egyptian Museum collections research project (Meroitic Artefacts in the Egyptian Collections). She also taught in Lille University (2013-2014) and École du Louvre (2020-2021).


Sébastien Poudroux is a topographer, archaeologist, drone pilot and photogrammetrist. He is responsible for coordinating fieldwork for the SAHPP project.

After obtaining a master’s degree in Egyptology (Paris IV-Sorbonne), he worked for nearly fifteen years in French preventive archaeology (Inrap-Éveha), as an archaeological excavation technician, sector manager, topographer and remote drone pilot. At the same time, he became a member of the French mission for the Tanis excavations and a research associate at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EA 4519-EPHE). Since 2009, he has been carrying out topographic and photogrammetric surveys of the Sân el-Hagar site in Egypt.

Roxane Trioux was a coordinator of the SAHPP project in Khartoum (2022-2023). She is currently working in Kenya at the cultural space The Rest, helping to organise an artistic residency for around twenty Sudanese artists who have immigrated to Nairobi since the start of the conflict.

She holds a Master’s degree in Archaeology of Historic Periods (Research Orientation) from the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, specialising in the ancient Mediterranean world, particularly Greek and Levantine antiquity. She then completed a degree in social anthropology at the Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3 and the Université de Strasbourg, before joining SFDAS as an international volunteer in 2022.

Camille Labia is responsible for the transfer of the SFDAS website to the new Hypothèses platform in 2023.

She is an engineer and a graduate from the École du Louvre in Documentation and Digital Humanities. Since 2017, Camille Labia has been contributing to the Répertoire d’Iconographie Méroïtique (RIM) project led by the Musée du Louvre. She also was a lecturer at Sorbonne University (2023-2024) where she is a doctoral student in Egyptology. She administers the Hypotheses notebook Meroitic Artefacts in the Egyptian Collections.

Publications : HAL.



  • 2019-2022 : Marc Maillot
  • 2014-2018 : Vincent Francigny
  • 2009-2014 : Claude Rilly
  • 2005-2009 : Vincent Rondot
  • 2000-2004 : Francis Geus
  • 1984-2000 : Jacques Reinold
  • 1975-1984 : Francis Geus
  • 1969-1975 : André Vila


  • 2018-2022 : Romain David
  • 2014-2018 : Marc Maillot
  • 2010-2014 : Coralie Gradel
  • 2006-2010 : Vincent Francigny

International Volunteers

  • 2022-2023 : Roxane Trioux
  • 2020-2022 : Coralie Prenat
  • 2019-2020 : Matthias Biro
  • 2018-2019 : Manon Routhiau
  • 2016-2018 : Marie-Paule Jung
  • 2014-2016 : Gabrielle Choimet
  • 2012-2014 : Solène Marion de Procé
  • 2010-2012 : Hélène Delattre


  • 2022-2023 : Mohamed el-Hafiz
  • 2020-2022 : Taysir el-Hadi
  • 2018-2020 : Sarah Hieba
  • 2015-2018 : Tilal Mohamed el-Mobarak Ahmed

Driver canvasser

  • 2001-2023 : Awadallah Ali el-Bacha

Maintenance Agent

  • 2014-2023 : Hassabou el-Rassoul

The teams at Soleb and Kerma visiting the team at Sai Island (middle of the Seventies) © J.-B. Sevette

The picture :

  • (First row from left to right) Béatrice Privati, Charles Bonnet, Brigitte Gratien, Ulla Reinold, Jacques Reinold, Françoise Hug, Anne Minault-Gout
  • (Second row from left to right) the sufragi of Sai, Florence Thill, Annie Vermeersh, Charles Maystre, Francis Geus, Michela Schiff Giorgini, the rais of Soleb Ouchi
  • (Third row from left to right) the ghafir of Sai Ali Kourdi and his family, the rais of Sai Mohamed Abdoun